Saturday, March 1, 2014

Not sure where to start...

My name is Stacy and I am a 41-year-old wife and mother. I have been married to my soul mate for 15 years and we have 2 lovely boys together. I don't know what I would have done if it weren't for my husband because he has always been there for me as I have dealt with some pretty weird and pretty debilitating symptoms. Symptoms that have become progressively worse over the years, and even weirder than when they first began.

I became sick at the age of 16, following a miscarried pregnancy. The first symptom that I began to experience was a weird "spaciness" and head pressure that was very difficult to describe. Doctors immediately blew me off and diagnosed it as depression. I had no reason not to believe them, however, because they were the medical experts with the medical licenses.

When the years began to pass and I only felt worse despite the counseling and antidepressants, I knew that something besides depression was my problem. And when a psychiatrist flat-out told me that I wasn't depressed, I immediately made a vow to myself that I was going to find out what was really going on so I could get some relief. I stopped taking the stupid and unnecessary antidepressants and began looking for real answers.

By the time I was in my 20's, my symptoms were rapidly multiplying. In addition to the head pressure and spacey feeling, I was beginning to become sick after eating. I wasn't merely experiencing nausea, but I would develop headaches, body aches, dizziness, difficulty breathing, chills, shakiness, increased head pressure and the list goes on and on.  I also began to suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity. At one point I couldn't even tolerate others' personal care products or I'd because extremely weak, shaky, nauseated and experience trouble breathing. I began to conduct a great deal of research online and began to visit some non-traditional doctors for help. I traveled to different states, only to be disappointed. I was misdiagnosed by so many doctors it wasn't funny.

Well, I will describe more of my experiences with doctors at a later date, but right now I'm trying to figure out where to start with getting well right now. Do I dare cough up more cash to see yet another doctor, or do I embark on about the 15th diet since becoming ill, in an attempt to alleviate my symptoms? Well, I do plan on seeing another integrative doctor not far from my home. I've been told that I have lupus, but this doctor questions the validity of this diagnosis. I have questioned it as well. I've also been told that I have candida, and through my research I have discovered that I probably have adrenal fatigue as well as leaky gut syndrome. My next posting will discuss these conditions more in depth.